Friday, April 7, 2023

Making Milestones and Memories with a Trip Down Memory Lane

 Today is my kiddo's 18th birthday and this momma has mixed feelings. It's hard to believe that 18 years ago, I was only 19 and suddenly responsible for another human being. Like wtf are we thinking to send these small creatures home with "adults" who have zero experience knowing what they're doing? 

Like, I couldn't imagine my kid having his own child at this age? Was I really more mature or did I grow up as I raised a child? How am I old enough to have a child that is not only now a legal "adult" but will also be graduating next month? WTF did the time go?

Getting Back to Normal After a Traumatic Month

Last week, we went through what experts are calling "once of a lifetime" tornadoes that demolished my hometown county. We are still trying to get back to some semblance of normal. So, when the kids asked to go to their grandparents early this week, we didn't object. 

There's been a lot of traumatic news lately, especially for kids in Tennessee. Two weeks ago, they were having to do emergency intruder drills to learn how to act if an armed suspect gets into the school after the horrors of the Nashville elementary school shooting. 

This week, my children have been practicing tornado drills and hearing the horror stories of close friends, family, and neighbors who lost everything as four tornadoes emerged from one storm cell and left destruction in its wake. Be sure you're following me on YouTube to see footage of the aftermath in all its ugly horror, along with some amateur videos.


Are you interested in watching stupid videos of random stuff? My social is full of fun videos, inspiring clips, life hacks, awesome music, and lots of cute animals. And if you're into watching video games, go check out my hub's Twitch channel, where he live-streams his video game playing. 

We all about them side hustles in this house!

How We Celebrating the Big 1-8 In the "G" House 

Get your copy of 25 printable birthday cards to have on hand for all celebrations at Sarandipity's.

So, while the three youngins' went to their grandparents on Thursday, the teen had to stay home so he could work. 

He's starting to realize that this is his last year of experiences, like "spring break," "four-day weekends," and going to school. As of May, he'll be able to go to work full-time until he's able to enroll in the Union with his dad and attend trade school. 

Normally, he spends holidays, vacations, and weekends at his friend's house so he can go to work with his friend's dad and make some extra cash laying floors. We're really drilling a good work ethic into him. 

So, today is his 18th birthday and out of all the things he could have chosen to do, he decided to stay home with his dad and I. His birthday wish - to spend the night gaming! 

Get this and other gaming graphics for your gamer!

Y'all, to have the peace of mind to know where my kid is on his first day into adulthood and not have to worry that he gon get a criminal record or get hurt on his first night as an "adult" is amazing. 

In true awesome xennial mom fashion, I conceded to skooling my kid in some Gen-X ass-whoopings. Sorry kiddo, but my generation created Mortal Kombat. I grew up playing on the big ass arcade games and SEGA. Don't test my OG status. 

My favorite characters tonight:  

Jade (4-1)

Kitanna (5-2)

Khan (3-0)


We're streaming it live and loud on Twitch if you want to hear how we haze our kids in this house while watching some major competitions while hearing a kick-ass soundtrack. 

On our 90s hip-hop playlist - cause we gangsta parents like that and raise kids with good music taste - includes:

Anger - It's Been the Undertone of My Music Inspiration


The older I get - maybe it's because my kids are growing up in a world that absolutely terrifies me - the angrier I become. No matter how hard I try, I cannot comprehend the mindset and complete backwards thinking of so many people in the world today. 

My kids do not get to enjoy an innocent childhood like we experienced as the last true generation of free-thinking, hardworking, no-fucks-given bliss. IDK if the world is more sick or if people are just less caring about hiding their form of twisted. 

The shape of the world and all the horrors we hear about on the daily fills me with rage. And from the sounds of my playlist, I'm not the only one. I totally agree Aaron Lewis. 

Other songs that I'm seriously feeling these days and is on our playlist for us and the kids includes:

Show Me Some Love to Get a Goodie

Y'all, I'm seriously struggling to build my email list. It's to the desperation point to where I'm offering several freebies just for joining! Sign up today and then email me your interests. And I'll let you pick a FREEBIE from my shop! Your choice. 

Up for a challenge? Comment to the prompt below for a freebie! And I'll choose my favorite answer to get a bundle prize.

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Using Music to Embrace the Changes Occuring In My Life

The thing I love the most about music is that it can make you feel emotions more deeply. But it's also the thing I hate about music. Probably the only thing I hate about my addiction. You can't hide your feelings, your thoughts, your realness when confronted with the power of lyrics that seep into your soul.

Time Marches On - Whether We're Ready or Not

As I get older, it feels like time is moving at a faster speed. Maybe it's because me and the fam just got through watching the Masked Singer with a DC Comics theme but sometimes I feel like life is moving at the speed of Flash while my mind is moving at the speed of Flash from Zootopia.  

I've been through hell and back in my lifetime. As the late, great Young Dolph once said, "I went through hell and back to get to this." 

And through it all, music was the one constant that helped me release the pain, to get past the depression, to embrace the grief, and to reminiscence about times that have passed and the events yet to come. 

As year 2023 continues to pass by in a blur of days, two events loom closer, bringing me more and more sadness. In April, my oldest child will turn 18 and be an adult. And a month later in May, he'll be doing his momma proud and walking across the stage to get his diploma. 

Do you need a graphic for your 2023 senior? Download this FREEBIE design as thanks for reading.

Confession Time - This Mom Isn't Ready for Life to Speed By

I'm not ready. And as I wallow in my dislike of my children growing up, two songs have been on repeat in my mind. Surprisingly, they are both country songs. Despite my recent aversion to country music due to the complete garbage that is today's genre, I'm a huge classic country buff. 

As I've written about the same topic on the lighting fast speeding of time on several of my other sites, one line keeps going on a loop in my mind. And that line is from a classic oldie song. No matter what we do to stop it, time marches on (Tracey Lawrence). "The only thing that stays the same is that everything changes."

I've known since the first time I heard the song, "Don't Blink" by Kenny Chesney that it would be the story of my life. I frequently stare in confusion at the calendar and wonder how we got here. I know I'm not the only person who feels like 1990 was only 10 years ago - not 30. Breaks this 80's baby's heart. 

Some Days I Think I'm Losing My Mind

As the LAC's and Charley Farley say, "I'm just a backroads 80s baby. Raised in the country like grits and gravy. Some of y'all still call me crazy. But thank God that country raised me." 


The second song that's been playing on a loop in my mind is "You're Going to Miss This." Trace Adkins is the sexiest man alive with that long ponytail - he's my exception to my preference for sexy bald heads. But this song is the perfect story line to show how fast life goes by, especially when we rush it. 


If you've ever seen the movie "Click" with Adam Sandler, it's sort of like that. You get in such a rush to get to the "good parts" of your life that you forget to see the beauty and blessings in the everyday. 

An honorable third mention goes to Darius Rucker (yes, from Hootie and the Blowfish if you go back that far) for his tear jerker song "It Won't Be Like This For Long." 

A few other songs have come into my mind this week that have made an imprint to inspire writing and work. 

Reminiscing about the Past and Dreading the Future

For example, the hubs and I are on a binger for the TV series, Teen Wolf. I of course have seen the original 80s movie with Michael J. Fox. And we were getting ready to watch the new Teen Wolf movie from 2023. But hubby figured I'd do better watching the series first so I wouldn't be confused at the players in the game and the plot line. He knows me so well.

Anyhoo, last night's episode started with the main characters being excited about the start of their senior year. But also worried that once school ended, they would not talk to their high school friends again. And in reality, that's usually how it goes. 

We all go our separate ways and you often fall out of touch with people whom you once felt the closest. 90% of the plans we make as naive, young teenagers doesn't pan out. 

I thought about it and realized that there are very few people that I was only friends with in high school that I still associate with today. I have the typical Facebook, Instagram social media acquaintances I keep up with and have random casual chats. But I don't hang out with any of them. 

But I do have a few lifetime friends that I still align my loyalties towards. I've been with these friends for decades, long before the hell of high school. And my husband is the same way. He's got friends that he's been close with since his single digits. And while he talked to those friends throughout high school, they predate the final four years of school. So, do they really count? I said no. 

F*** Yo Fake Friends - Where Yo Real Friends At?

And as if to drive home to me that I've become quite socially distanced from anyone I used to know, today, I heard another song that hit home. Lil Wyte said it best when he said, "I've lost so many so called homies but that's okay. Since they gone I've realized they weren't my homies anyway. Cuz if they was it would be cool and everything would be straight. But see they ain't that's why I had to write this song about the fake." 


I totally get fake friends. I've had several so-called "besties that put me in the dumps, made me doubt my sanity, and nearly ruin my life. There have been many times that I've thought that I was crazy. But once I got away, I realized I'm more like Boosie Badass (Lil Boosie). 

"They say that I'm crazy, and sometimes I feel like I'm crazy. But I know I'm not crazy. And my mistakes don't make me, or break me."

And that is the reason I only have a handful of "real friends". My best friend is someone I've known literally since the day I was born. And my other best friend is my husband and my kids. Yeah, we're THAT kinda family. Haha. 

Going Out Like It's 2003 

For the last few days, a song I haven't heard in a few decades has been in my head and it even prompted an entire post and product creation. Many people don't know the country artist Clay Walker. I had the biggest crush on him when I was eight. It was the 90s and those tight jeans and sexy dimples did me in. 

I've fought very hard to get to where I am today. It's taken a lot of effort and dedication to claw myself back from rock bottom. While I used to be scared to look into the future, these days, I'm trying to make myself live like Clay said and "Do my dreaming with my eyes wide open. I'll do my looking back with my eyes closed. We can do some livin'. Or spend our whole lives hoping."


To wrap up, my final song to end the night that is still running through my mind as I catch up on my Hulu recorded list - currently watching Station 19. An oldie but goodie from my year of graduation in honor of my son's upcoming walk. Repping the Class of 2003, I give you 3 Doors Down.

We all have a weakness, a kryptonite - as they like to remind us. But as they ask, "If I go crazy, will you still call me Superman? If I'm alive and well, will you be there holding my hand? 

Join my email list for access to thousands of dollars in free goodies from me and other awesome small business owners. 

And get this month's FREEBIE March-themed planner at my shop. It's only available for a few more weeks, along with St. Patrick's Day bookmarks.


Saturday, March 4, 2023

Using Music to Inspire Ideas for Working as a Freelance Solopreneur

Making Money From Music Inspiration

Spring is slowly arriving and while Mother Earth is shrugging off the winter blues and putting on her makeup, there's plenty of nature's soundtracks going on too. I absolutely love this time of year! I can almost leave my radio off and ride with the windows down to listen to the crickets and frogs. Almost!!

Yesterday, my husband and I took the doggos on a ride along after we dropped the kids off to spend the weekend with their grandparents. 

Despite cool temperatures and heavy rain, this Momma had to ride with the window down, because the Queen Bee - Athena - seems to think her head must stay outside the window at all times. 

She even goes as far as to stand on the window button and roll the glass down herself. We have to keep a lock on the controls to keep them from jumping out after wildlife! But look at this face. Could you say no?

Musical Mutts - Inspiration for Money Making Comes from Everywhere 

While we were riding, one of the ladies made a weird noise. Nothing new. Aphrodite is a constant noise maker. She seems to make it a purpose to be as loud as possible. But it came at the right moment for my husband to make a joke that it sounded like she was trying to beatbox. Go figure even our dogs are musical junkies!

I made imitation beatbox noises. Full disclosure - I have zero experience and it sounded more like a car running outta gas. And then I made the joke of the quote - bowchickawowow. And then, it turned into a memory of a spoof song of this quote. Allow me to introduce you to a lesser known comedy, "Brown chicken, brown cow."

Today, the dogs stayed home as the hubs and I went on our weekly outta state trip to hit up the casinos. It's only a short drive across the Memphis Bridge to get into Arkansas to visit the newly remodeled Southland Casino

Getting Content Ideas from Life and Music

I'm always using my daily life to inspire me on ideas for businesses. And I write down notes so I don't forget. But even then, if I don't have the same headspace and environment, it can be tricky to get back into my train of thought.

And despite the need to have some downtime and relax, my brain is always ON. As Struggle Jennings and Aaron Lewis said, "The Struggle is Real." 


My hard work helped me get from that single-wide trailer in the holler to the house up on the hill" and yet I'm still working my fingers to the bone. 

Even worse, I seem to always be going and going, with no time to stop and take a breath. It brings to mind one of my favorite songs from when I was little. Throwing it back to 90s prime country, I'm bringing Alabama into 2023 - and I don't mean Roll Tide. 


Who else can relate to the lyrics:

"I'm in a hurry to get things done. I rush and rush until life's no fun. All I really gotta do is live and die. But I'm in a hurry and don't know why."

 Trying to Live Slower by Working Smarter

I go into a nervous meltdown and several mental breakdowns weekly. There always seems to be a ton of stuff to do. And yet, little to no time to get any of it done. I swear, this third rock from the sun seems to be spinning at a faster rate, making the days go quicker - it feels like my days are 13 hours instead of 24, even when I depress my body by foregoing the expected eight hours of sleep. 
Head over to Sarandipity's to see the tools I use to keep my life organized - and pick up your own FREEBIES and resources. And then stop into Sara Trimble Freelancing to get ideas on how to start a small business at home. Are you a fan of dogs? Visit Adventures with Canines to get more humorous dog antics from the beloved Quad Squad. 
Signing up for my email list gets you even more goodies. Like thousands of dollars in FREE stuff, good. Want to be a guest blogger? HMU on this form and give me your deets. 

And a final throwback song to take on the road with you, this goodbye tune comes from 90s heartthrob Joe Diffie.

Welcome to Earth. Third Rock from the Sun!

Sunday, February 26, 2023

Changes in My Music Mood Lead to Larger Career Advancements - Can Music Help You Grow a Small Biz Too?

Over the last few weeks, my mind has been in shambles. Between stress and sicknesses, it's been nearly impossible to focus. 

it's too much - stress
Image credit: Sarandipity's

Staying Consistent with Posting

Despite my flip-flopping anxiety levels, I've managed to do very well at adding regular content to each of my sites. Yeah, you know there's a few! And I've been coming up with different digital products to sell. Now if I can just figure out the process of uploading them. 

I'm still struggling to grow my email list. I offer several incentives, yet I only have one subscriber. Not sure what else I should do. You would think hearing that you get access to thousands of dollars of resources for FREE would be enough to encourage people to sign up. 

Last week, I made the proud career achievement of finishing a new book. I've ventured from my usual fiction prose to try my hand at recipe writing. And since I'm a dog mom obsessed with keeping my pups healthy, I decided to make my recipe topic homemade foods for dogs using human ingredients.

Image credit: Sarandipity's


And a recent email from a long-term client gave me the inspiration for this post and the songs I'm featuring. When I completed and returned her order in less than 24 hours, she made the impressed remark of my speed and quality. 

It's always great to hear a client appreciate your work. My comment back was that I don't feel like I'm doing work while I'm writing. Writing is more than my career. I'm truly addicted to it. 

Find What You Love and Do That

I hate taking time off. If I don't have something to write for a client, I find something to write for myself. And if I'm between posts on my sites, I am brainstorming new content to write. Or I'm writing a new book. 

My next topic is All Natural Homemade Cleaning Products. I plan to have this book written in the next two weeks. I've been trying to do better at planning, first with failed attempts using other people's planners and now by using customized planners that fit my life and needs.

The only thing I'm more obsessed with than my work is music. And with my changing moods lately, even my music preferences have been random and unpredictable.


Music Mood of the Week

I've gone from bumping Kevin Gates, "#IDGT (I don't get tired)" - my music mood song recommendation number one - to Luke Combs. While I don't typically do modern country, I make a few exceptions. Luke is one of those. I found him after his duet with Ryan Upchurch, "Can I get an Outlaw." That song came out years ago, before Nashville and all of country radio knew Combs existed.

Loving Some Luke Combs

Maybe it's the scruffy look and the raspy voice. Or it could be that I relate to his lyrics. "Doing This" is the second song inspiration for this post. And it's become a bit of a motto for me. 

"I'd still be doin' this if I wasn't doin' this

It ain't about the fame
It ain't about the fortune
It ain't about the name
It ain't about the glory
I guess I'm sayin' it's always been about"

Because while Luke would still be singing in smaller mediums rather than sold out shows, because he loves what he does, I write this blog and several of my other sites for free, without bringing in an income, because I can't NOT write. 

If I miss a day of writing, things don't feel right. I feel out of sorts. I struggle to focus and manage simple tasks because I have a million random thoughts bouncing in my mind and no outlet for any of them. It's rather overwhelming.

Sharing My Favorite Artist - Jelly Roll

Yesterday, we were on our way home from a baby shower, where I got to gift my niece-to-be with multiple custom designs from my collection of graphics for Sarandipity's. I finally got to play with my machines and crafts, giving me great material for a few different upcoming affiliate marketing pieces and how-to guides. 

Check out my social to see the baby girl projects I made! Comment and I'll send you the designs for free for the cost of an email.

I had Pandora set to a Jelly Roll station - topic switch - he just announced his new tour dates for 2023 and I've already got my tickets for two concerts near me. I'm so bummed rn that I won't be able to see the concert I really want to - Jelly Roll and Three 6 Mafia

But I don't have the opportunity to travel to Texas and I refuse to set foot in a backwards ass state like California. So, until they come home to Memphis, I'll stick to listening on the radio. We might surprise the oldest with a trip to Kentucky to see Jelly and Yelawolf for his 18th birthday. Yeah, we're cool parents like that. 

I'm more interested in Jelly and Struggle Jennings. That's the concert we'll be seeing! If you've never been to a Jelly Roll concert, I highly encourage you to check his tour and rectify that immediately! 

Rolling through Memphis Bumping Lil Wyte

Back to the story at hand and the third song inspiration of the week comes from Lil Wyte. Keep Going is about not giving up, even when you run into problems. 

I enjoy listening to songs that I can relate to, especially when it's from local artists. Wyte grew up in Frayser, which is a short distance from where I live. We pass through Frayser frequently on our way to Memphis. It's not a safe place, as Wyte sings about in Frayser Drive. But he also sings about the town I'm from and even a place and people I've partied at from time to time. 

"80 acres in Tipton County is where I be kicking."

While we ain't got 80 acres (yet), we still be kicking it in the county in the country. And our part of the country is starting to look gorgeous with trees in bloom and bright yellow Daffodils dotting the landscape. 

Spring Has Sprung My Business Bigger

Spring always makes me feel happier about life on a daily basis. It rejuvenates my soul and energizes my psyche. I'm more grateful during this part of the year because I'm at my happiest. 

And to really bring in the changing season, I'm trying to brighten my green thumb with early seed starting. Rn, I'm doing the research to pick which plants I want to use in my spring to summer outdoor landscaping. And trying to get an idea of the materials I'll need and when to start my seeds indoors. 

I might turn all of this information into another book! As I mentioned in my post at Sarandipity's, I often pull ideas for all of my content from my daily life. 

Are you a master green thumb with a great eye for plant layout? Tell me about your favorite outdoor flower to grow and the name of a song with a flower in it for a chance to win a free gift!

Music Musings of a Maddened WFH Mom

Music can be a powerful way to communicate thoughts, feelings, or behaviors to another person. It can even influence how you feel or how you think. You can even use music as a way to grow your small business. Letting people see the personal information that is your private music list implies an intimacy that you want to continue to nurture. It's not a one night stand that comes and goes without leaving a note or even a name.


Thursday, February 16, 2023

Enjoying the Classics of the 90s/2000s with Family Car Concerts

For the last two weeks, I've been in a different music mindset than my usual thuggin' gettin' shit done phase. It started when I turned on a random 90s playlist on Pandora while I was cleaning the house. You 80s' babies get it! The only way to clean is while jamming out. 

So, needless to say, my playlist has been consistently "vintage" ranging from the greatest hits of the 90s to the 2000s' soundtrack of my late teens to early momhood years.

Backroads Car Concerts Make a Perfect Marriage and Parenting Activity

It's been amusing - to say the least - watching my kids' reactions to the songs we've been jamming. The hubs and I have been rocking out, having major car concerts while we waste time cruising around with the canines, waiting on the minis to finish their random activities - basketball for the pre-teen boy last night and today and tumbling for the mini lady. 

On the way home last night, I had the joy of witnessing my boys singing along to some lesser known songs from two decades ago. While some of them have been due to my influence, there were several songs they knew that hadn't been my doing. 


 As we sang along to a family karaoke, throwback style, I made the joke - quite seriously - that we seemed to be some angry folks back in the day. It's no wonder most of us have mental problems and childhood traumas. The 90s were a rough time with a lot of horrendous firsts and the events of the 2ks have seemed to only get worse. 

The Days Are Speeding Past Lighting Fast

I don't think back in the old days that I really (or maybe most of us) really paid attention to the lyrics of our favorite songs. Then again, perhaps we did, since we still seem to know all the words two and three decades later. I think it's more likely that we didn't have the life experience to fully appreciate the meanings behind the words. 

Music has the power to make us feel different things through time as our perception of life changes. It can control your thoughts, your memories, and your emotions. There's a reason that music is now being used as a form of therapy, especially in Alzheimer's patients. It's said that music can help bring back memories.

While I wasn't transported back in time as we rode around yesterday, I think the simple pleasure of getting that    - which happens less and less as the kids get older - will be a memory that I treasure for years to come. Especially as our oldest son nears graduation in May and turning 18 in April. Soon, he'll move out and I'll have to start the process of letting go. 

Rocking Out with the Best of the 90s and 2k

And while the world is a terrifying place, I can only hope I've prepared them for the realities of the real world. But the one thing I can be sure of is that I've at least provided them with one important trait - fantastic music tastes! 

Check out our 90s/00s playlist of the week to witness first hand the fantastic parenting we've done in regards to the music we've passed along to our kids. 

  • Drowning Pool (Bodies is a family anthem on family road trips)
  • Skillet 
  • Panic at the Disco 
  • Green Day 
  • Evanescence
  • Papa Roach
  • Shinedown
  • Snoop Dogg
  • Linkin Park
  • Big Tymers
  • Leafly
  • Paramore
  • Nickelback
  • Three Days Grace
  • Creed
  • Seether
  • Ice Cube
  • Akon

Do any of these songs make an appearance on any of your playlists? How do your kids feel about your music? Is there a song or artist that y'all bond over? 

Drop me a comment and tell me your favorite musical memory with a loved one. I'll choose one commenter to win a a free prize.

Are you on my email list yet? It's full of thousands of dollars in free goodies, resources, events, and tools. I even offer a free undated 2023 planner as a way of saying Thanks for trusting me with your info! No spam, ever! 

What I've Been Following on Social

I'm not a big social media person. I get on there randomly to check in with out of state families, update my profile for special events, and sporadically add content to my business socials. Thankfully, my husband keeps me up to date on trends and adorable puppy videos. My favorite thing lately has been the Open Verse challenge on TikTok. I've been obsessed with watching the various posts people are adding to celebrate Jelly Roll's success. Do you have a favorite?

Saturday, January 21, 2023

My Music Mood for the New Year - 2023

Music 🎶🎶was made to move you, to evoke emotions😄😍😠😢😇, to tell a story, to rid your mind of the demons 😈👿.

Music is for Everything and Everyone

If you're an artist, you can't resist the itch of the call. Whether it's strumming a note 🎵, singing a tune𝅘𝅥𝅲𝅘𝅥𝅱𝅘𝅥𝅮, writing a lyric🖎, or busting a move💃, music reaches deep inside and touches the parts we think we keep hidden from the world 👀. 

I'm a firm believer that no matter what you're going through, what you're feeling or thinking, there is a piece of music to which you can relate. Good or bad, happy or sad, pick a genre, choose a song, find an artist, or catch a line. 

Motivation for Cleaning House

I love music so much that I listen to everything. Any genre. I throw on a random playlist based on my mood and what I'm doing. Cleaning house? 🧹90s hip-hop makes it a blast. 

And I get to show my swag by hitting all the lyrics to Ice Cube, Snoop Dogg, and the one and only D-R-E. Or I go with local hits like Memphis legends - Three 6 Mafia (RIP Gangsta Boo), Juicy J, Gucci Mane, Moneybagg Yo, and Young Dolph (RIP)much to the shock of my unprepared kids.

Music Mood for Being on the Road

But when I'm on the road? ✇ Nothing gets me going like putting on my favorite long-term artist - Jelly Roll. I got to see him and Brantley Gilbert in concert recently and it was AMAZING! I cannot wait to go see him again. 

Son of the Dirty South - Jelly Roll and Brantley Gilbert

If you've only just started listening to Jelly, you may think he's a country artist. After all, he's got some amazing hits playing on country radio! Props to my man. It's been decades in the making. 

Like his brother from another mother says, "I'm hot but the radio won't play my damn songs." Preach Lil Wyte! The radio world may not see you but us real fans have always had your back! "You'll always be tearing up the stage with some of the very best."

 But, despite Jelly Roll's appearance on the Grand Ole Opry stage 👏👏he got his start as a badass mf'ing rapper. Proud of being white trash and all of the mistakes he's made, Jelly's songs have always kept it real and hit home like no one else can do. 

Finding an Artist That Speaks to You is like Finding a Best Friend

My personal mantra and a song that the entire house knows every lyric to - including all four of the kids (even the 9 y/o who loves Jelly more than me) - is Jelly's song "Save Me". But the littlest's absolute favorite song is Creature. 

She can flow with it better than me! It makes this TN momma's heart proud to pass along a good taste of music and a pride in the successes of hometown legends. 

Promoting Artists Helps Them Get More Fans

If you're looking for a new country album that you won't hear played on a pop station with Taylor Swift and Bruno Mars, this album is right for you. Check out Self Medicated now.


Need to feel a bit more in touch with your savage trashy side? I got ya, freak. You can't go better than checking out Jelly and Lil Wyte's album - No Filter (and No Filter 2). 

No Filter Album cover
No Filter - Jelly Roll and Lil Wyte

While you're checking out duets, be sure to give a listen to Struggle Jennings. Jelly mentions him in several songs and his sexy deep drawl and OMG arms will make you a quick fan. "Fall in the fall" is FANTASTIC! 


Do you listen to any of the artists I've mentioned? HMU with your favorite lyric! Drop a story of what makes you a fan. Introduce me to someone or something new. And be sure to send a shout out to these amazing artists if you give them a listen. It's fans like us that help them get the recognition and success they deserve! 

Jelly Roll Facebook

Lil Wyte Facebook

Struggle Jennings Facebook

Me and the hubs enjoying Jelly Roll LIVE with Brantley Gilbert